Are you looking for stylish, modern and affordable living room ideas that you can use to decorate on a budget?

We have a list of easy and low cost living room ideas that create a welcoming space for all the family to enjoy.

For most renters, the living room is the heart of a home, and it’s important to put your stamp on your living room to transform your house into a place you can call home.

Free Living Room Ideas

When decorating your living room, there are some things that you can do which can make a drastic difference without costing you a single penny.

  • Rearrange the layout of your living room

Rearranging the layout of your living room can be as good as spending a fortune on new items.

Consider whether you can move sofas, tables, and other soft furnishings to revitalise your living room, and you might be surprised at how you can transform the overall look and feel (without spending a penny).

  • Get rid of unnecessary clutter

Before thinking of decorating, consider whether you can de-clutter and get rid of unnecessary items, and worn-out furniture.

By removing clutter, the living room space will feel cleaner, and more welcoming.

  • Hang your curtains higher to create the illusion of a larger space

If you are able to consider repositioning your curtain rail higher, this can be a great way to make your room feel bigger, and brighter.

This might be an easy, and free living room idea which helps make the most of a smaller living room, and give it the feel of a larger family space.

  • Revitalise an existing sofa or chair with a pretty throw or blanket

Your sofa and chairs are likely to be a prominent feature in your living room and if they look a bit worse for worse, a quick solution can be to use an existing throw or blanket over the top to accessorise. This could add some colour, and texture to your living room.

Living Room Idea - Sofa Throw

Low Cost Living Room Ideas

If you do have a budget for decorating your living room, here are some low cost living room ideas which will have a BIG impact, for a small price.

  • Paint your walls

One of the most obvious, yet one of the most affordable living room ideas to transform your family space.

To get a cosier feel to your living room, choose a deeper, neutral colour, or to showcase the best features of the room, create a feature wall with a bold, bright colour. Alternatively, use a light colour to make the room feel airier.

  • Add a rug

Adding a rug could be a great way to make a living room more homely; especially if you have hard flooring.

Before you head out to the shop, or order online, make sure to measure out your floor space so the rug isn’t too large, or too small.

Living Room Idea - Rug
  • Light up your candles

Candles are a brilliant way of achieving homeliness with minimal expenses and effort. 

An unused fireplace, a centre piece for a table, or placed on shelving are all great places to position candles.

  • Put up shelves

Following on from the previous living room idea; shelves can be an attractive storage solution for a living room that is kind to your budget.

They can also be used as foundations for other decorative features such as candles, ornaments or your favourite books to inject the space with a personal touch.

  • Bring nature into your home with plants

A popular living room idea to enhance your home is to bring house plants, both for decoration and to keep the air feeling fresh

  • Buy a string of fairy lights for a fun vibe

A simple, and playful to brighten up a room is to use fairy lights, either trailed along a fireplace or shelf, or placed inside a vase.

You might even have some fairy lights that would suit the style you are going for from your christmas decorations.

  • Rethink your lighting

Light is an important thing to consider when decorating your living room, and ensuring that the space is perfect for your family. 

If you have a large ceiling light and shade, consider switching to softer floor or table lamps to create a more intimate feel.

Living Room Idea - House Plant
  • Frame some photographs

For our final living room idea that will definitely transform a house into your home is to print, and frame your photographs.

You probably already have an array of fantastic photographs of your loved ones on your phone so use these to bring back amazing memories of past holidays and special occasions.

It is very easy, and cheap to print photographs and find good quality frame either online, or from your local retailers.

Advice For Renters Before Decorating

We are often asked by renters whether they can decorate their properties, and Stacey, one of our property experts, has recorded a quick video to explain the best thing to do to ensure that you protect your deposit, and maintain a great relationship with your landlord.

If you are a renter, and have taken inspiration from our low cost living room ideas, our advice would be to check with your letting agent, or landlord before you undertake any decorating work.

It is very likely that your home decorating ideas will be allowed, but it is important to check first.

The last thing you want is to spend your money and time on a decorating project, only to find that your landlord is not happy with the work. This can cause conflict, damage your relationship and if it costs money to rectify, may risk your deposit.

So whichever living room ideas you are going to use; whether that’s putting shelfs up, moving curtain rails or painting walls, check with your letting agent or landlord first.

Living Room Idea From One Of Our Renters in Hartlepool

One of our wonderful Hartlepool renters sent us these amazing pictures of their festive decorations.

The changes include:

  • New wallpaper
  • Painting
  • New light shade
  • New curtains
  • Rug in front of fireplace
  • Candles
  • Framed artwork
  • House plant on bookshelf
Living Room Idea - Before
Living Room Idea - After

How We Love Renters Can Help You

If you are unhappy in your current rental property, and wanting to move closer to your family and friends, looking for somewhere with a shorter commute to work, or in a safer area, then reach out to We Love Renters to find out what incredible rental properties we currently have.

Enquire About Our Houses To Rent In Hartlepool

Other Great Resources For Renters

For more affordable ways to rejuvinate your home, why not read two of our other great blogs:

Read Our Blog – Spruce Up Your Home In 2022

Read Our Blog – 6 Low Cost Ways To Decorate Your Childrens Room

Or if you are looking for a new home altogether; with an extra bedroom, a bigger garden, or to be closer to the childrens’ school, check out our House To Rent In Hartlepool Page.

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