Happy tenants are far more likely to become long-term tenants, and long-term tenants help you to be a more profitable landlord.
This is a win-win scenario where tenants are happy in their home, and you are happy as a landlord.
There are many benefits when you keep your tenants happy, including:
- Having reliable rental income
- Spending less time and effort preparing the house for rent (cleaning, house viewings, advertising costs, etc.)
- Avoiding the uncertainty that a new tenant brings
However, if a landlord undervalues their tenants, they are much more likely to go to the trouble of finding a better house to rent and leave you needing to find a replacement.
That’s why we have put together this list of:
The Top 6 Ways To Keep Your Tenants Happy
Address Maintenance Requests Quickly To Keep Your Tenants Happy
If you want a long-term tenant, then you need to provide them with a house that they can turn into their home and see themselves living in for many years to come.
Therefore, whenever there are problems, try and address these as quickly as possible to ensure that your tenant feels valued, and respected.
At We Love Renters, we speak to a lot of unhappy tenants who are looking for a house to rent solely because their landlord WILL NOT take care of the property.
“My old landlord was terrible and wouldn’t do repairs, so my previous house wasn’t safe.”
Tenants won’t stay in your property long-term if you fail to respond to maintenance requests!
Plus, in the long run, keeping up with maintenance on your property can help avoid costly repair work further down the line, so it’s a great way to keep your tenants happy, whilst also reducing future costs for landlords.

Be A Nice Landlord To Keep Your Tenants Happy
To keep your tenants happy, you will want to make sure that you are treating them fairly and with respect. In return, you will often find that tenants treat you, and your property better.
To do this, make sure that you answer their calls, or reply to their emails in a timely manner, and you show that you are being friendly, co-operative, and open with them.
Whilst this might seem insignificant, building a great relationship with your tenants is a fantastic way to increase the chances of them feeling at home in your property, and becoming long-term tenants.
A big thing to avoid is making unannounced visits and not respecting their privacy. Whilst you have a right to inspect the property, make sure to give enough notice to avoid any negative repercussions.
Offer A Grace Period Before Charging Late Fees To Keep Your Tenants Happy
If your tenant is experiencing financial difficulty, this is going to impact their ability to pay their rent on time.
As a landlord, try your best to empathise with your tenants, and consider offering a grace period in these instances.
Of course, this is discretionary, and should be used on rare occasions however if you have a great tenant who has fallen into some financial difficulties and they are being honest with you about their situation, by cutting them some slack, you can forge a strong positive relationship.
Once the tenant has found their feet again, and repaid their arrears, it is very likely that they will be extremely grateful that you helped them when they needed it most.
In turn, they are far more likely to stay long-term in your property because they won’t want to risk moving and ending up with a terrible landlord.
Rent A Great Property To Keep Your Tenants Happy
As well as being a great landlord, make sure that you have a great property with everything a tenant could reasonably expect and want for their budget.
Consider fitting your property with:
- High-speed internet
- Open floor plans
- Beautiful outdoor spaces (highly valued since the pandemic and working from home phase)
- Modern appliances
Check out these beautiful kitchens we are installing into one of our newest properties that is currently being renovated.

Be Proactive With Tenancy Renewals To Keep Your Tenants Happy
If you are happy with your tenants, be proactive with tenancy renewals and make sure that you give them plenty of notice that they are approaching the end of their original agreement.
Aim to do bring up the topic of tenancy renewals around 3 months before it is due to expire – this gives you some time to find a replacement should they decide to move out.
However, if they do have some requests, make sure to consider their requests in relation to the cost of replacing them.
The tenants may request some upgrades, or a slightly lower rent, and whilst this is going to cost you money as a landlord, it may be the best option compared to spending money finding a replacement and potentially finding a bad tenant who won’t stay long-term and will treat the property poorly costing you far more in the long run.
If you can reach an agreement, this will keep your tenants happy as they will feel that you have listened to them, and engaged with them whilst ensuring that you retain regular income from trustworthy and reliable tenants
Offer Incentives To Keep Your Tenants Happy
Giving gift cards, or small hampers of home essentials is a fantastic way to keep your tenants happy. This shows you value and appreciate them and builds on your positive relationship between the tenant and you, the landlord.
The more you can personalise the gift, the more of an impact it will have.
A great time to give gift cards or hampers is BEFORE you bring up the topic of tenancy renewals (maybe a month or so beforehand).
Another incentive that you can provide is a rental discount once they have made a certain amount of on-time rental payments. Potentially, you could give a 25% discount after six consecutive months of on-time rental payments which shows that you are grateful for your tenant, and it gives your tenant another reason to choose to stay with you, as opposed to moving to a new house with an unknown landlord.
Check out our gift hampers for some inspiration.

Read Our Tenant Success Stories Below.
What Do We Love Renters Do To Keep Tenants Happy
At We Love Renters, we understand one of the major keys to maximise your rental income is by retaining long-term tenants, and you can do this by implementing several (or all) of the top tips we have discussed.
We use a variety of strategies to keep tenants happy, and this enables our landlords and property investors to earn a consistent, and profitable rental income flowing in.
If you are a landlord with properties in Hartlepool, are you:
- Happy with the amount of rental income your properties make?
- Happy with how little you have to get involved in the day-to-day property management?
- Happy with the quality of tenants that you are matched with by your property management company?
Or are you:
- Frustrated with poor rental income caused by tenants trashing your properties, void periods, and low rental yield?
- Annoyed that your property management company doesn’t deal with your tenants quickly or efficiently meaning that you have to spend more time and effort solving problems?
- Considering selling all your properties and giving up on your dream of retiring early and living comfortable off your rental income?
If you are a landlord who has houses in Hartlepool, then we would LOVE to hear from you so we can help you earn a higher rental income by matching you with the best tenants whilst minimising your stress and time commitment.
Click Here To Get Your Free Landlord Information Pack

It was super easy to switch, We Love Renters handled everything with my old agent while I could relax.
I now have a property that’s being looked after and 2 new tenants ready to move in in September. I’m now looking at purchasing my next student property and will definitely be using you guys for management. Thanks!”
To find out more about how We Love Renters can help you, simply click the link below and request a free Landlord Information Pack.
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As a bonus, we will also send you TWO free reports written by our founder, Paul Gough, who is a serial business owner, and personally rents over 60 properties in Hartlepool.
Report 1: “7 Ways To Ensure Maximum ROI From Your Rental Property
Report 2: “7 Things We Love Renters Does Better Than Every Other Property Management Company in Hartlepool”
Click Here To Get Your Free Reports
Alternatively, call us on 01429 36 36 36 and speak to one of our property experts.
We can’t wait to speak to you!
For more top tips for landlords, read more of our blogs:
How To Convert A Rental Property Into Shared Accommodation
The Top 6 Ways To Keep Tenants Happy
Visit our Facebook group for renters which is one of the many ways we attract the best tenants in Hartlepool.
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